In the album, you’ll find the following tracks: Què Li Donarem a la Pastoreta?, Una Pometa en Tinc a L'Hort, Pastoret D'On Véns?, Ara Plou, Ara Neva, Pujarem Dalt Dels Cims, Plou I Fa Sol, El Vent Furient, Sol Solet, Dins la Fosca, Bon Dia, La Lluna, la Pruna, La Cirereta, Xip Xap, Surt Sol Solet, L'Arc de Sant Martí, Què Li Donarem a la Pastoreta? (Play Back), Una Pometa en Tinc a L'Hort (Play Back), Pastoret D'On Véns? (Play Back), Ara Plou, Ara Neva (Play Back), Pujarem Dalt Dels Cims (Play Back), Plou I Fa Sol (Play Back), El Vent Furient (Play Back), Sol Solet (Play Back), Dins la Fosca (Play Back), Bon Dia (Play Back), La Lluna, la Pruna (Play Back), La Cirereta (Play Back), Xip Xap (Play Back), Surt Sol Solet (Play Back), L'Arc de Sant Martí (Play Back). The total size of the ZIP or RAR archive with songs in MP3 FLAC formats is 173.7 mb, you can download the album for free at the Boum. Download the album Plou o Fa Sol? from Lluïsa for free. Most of the tracks of the Plou o Fa Sol? album are recorded in the Children's Music style. The fans first had a chance to hear its 30 tracks on Oct 27, 2008.